This post is a seed.

As an artist with a need to self-market, I need a way to stay on top of my social media, just to attain any level of visibility when compared to the multitude of loud and popular artists of this day. (No disrespect. I fucking love Billy Eilish’s whole art.)

I’m not saying my work needs to be heard by everyone (or anyone) yet. But how else can you know? How else could you get feedback besides asking someone to listen?

  1. I get a new follower on Instagram
  2. A bot messages them a friendly, customized and optimized for ME message as a unique and catching “Hello!”
  3. “Hey! Thanks for the follow! If you get a chance, I’d love to hear what you think of my new post: ________.”
  4. And have an ongoing conversation, chat-bot to new-follower. Not in a deceptive way. But in an interesting, obvious-AI chatbot way.

A full-time artist would make this their full-time job. But with a full-time day-job, I don’t have that luxury.

I think I can work on a bot for this using Facebook messenger.
